Do I need to know the category of misconduct to submit a report?

No. If you experience or witness any potential misconduct, wrongdoing or if you feel something is wrong, you should report it to IOM’s Office of Internal Oversight (OIO) through We Are All In ( or by email to, even if you are unsure what type of misconduct it is. OIO receives and assesses all reports of misconduct, except reports of retaliation which are received and assessed by IOM’s Ethics and Conduct Office (ECO). As part of this process, OIO/ECO will determine what type of misconduct has been reported. 

If you want to learn more about the types of misconduct, you can visit the relevant pages on which provide further information on some of the main types of misconduct including, sexual exploitation and abuse, fraud, corruption and misuse of resources, harassment, including sexual harassment  and retaliation.

Can I report without telling anyone my name?

Yes. You can report anonymously. The “We Are All In” reporting platform is a tool that sends confidential, encrypted reports straight to IOM’s Office of Internal Oversight (OIO), except for reports of retaliation, which are sent to IOM’s Ethics and Conduct Office (ECO). This tool was created with protection features that guarantee confidential reporting of allegations.

You don’t have to give your name, but OIO (or ECO) will need sufficiently clear and specific allegations to proceed. For example, in a report about Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA), OIO must know what happened and have enough information to identify the victim(s) and alleged perpetrator(s). The information OIO (or ECO) needs is different for each case and if OIO (or ECO) can’t contact you for extra information, it might not be able to effectively assess your report, or proceed with an investigation, if warranted.

If I report someone, will they know it was me?

IOM works very hard to keep your name confidential. However, sometimes IOM needs to share names of complainants during the investigation process. IOM must follow the correct procedures and respect the rights of everyone involved, which also includes the rights of the person who was accused.

The subject of an investigation must be able to see the evidence and information that is used against them. This means that the complaint itself may be ultimately shared with the subject.

Also, IOM may have to reveal the identity of a complainant if:

  • The subject needs it for their defence
  • It is needed later for administrative, disciplinary or judicial proceedings

And finally, it’s possible that information about an investigation may be disclosed for reasons IOM can’t control, such as occasions when staff members violate IOM rules and discuss a case despite being asked to keep the information confidential.

If I submit a report, will I get a reply?

The Office of Internal Oversight (OIO) will let you know that it has received your report. 

OIO may also:

  • Ask you some questions
  • Ask you to make a witness statement or be interviewed as a witness

If you report retaliation, your report will be assessed by the Ethics and Conduct Office (ECO), which will let you know that it has received your report and may ask you for further information.

Are investigations confidential?

IOM works hard to make sure that sensitive information stays confidential. Those involved in an investigation must not discuss any part of it with anyone except the investigators. If an IOM staff member shares confidential information with someone other than the investigators, they may be disciplined. If other IOM personnel (such as consultants) share confidential information with someone other than the investigators, their contract with IOM may be terminated.

Confidentiality is important because it protects people’s privacy, safety and right to due process. It also helps keep evidence and witnesses safe and protects the integrity of the investigation.

IOM will share confidential information on a “need to know” basis only if it is necessary for the investigation or required for the procedural rights of the individuals concerned, including the subject of the complaint.

How long does it take to investigate a case?

The length of time an investigation takes depends on several factors, including:

  • The complexity and seriousness of the case
  • The number of subjects and victims involved
  • Availability of information and evidence
  • Availability of resources
  • The number r and relative priority of other cases under investigation
What is the involvement of local authorities in an IOM case?

IOM personnel must not report any matters to local authorities except in the case of imminent and compelling emergency/danger, after which the matter must immediately be reported to IOM’s Office of Legal Affairs (LEG) at

Otherwise, matters which might be appropriate for referral to local authorities should be referred to LEG for decision on such a referral.

Bringing a matter to the attention of local authorities may also require the approval of the Director General as it may involve a waiver of privileges and immunities.

What if I am reporting misconduct committed by someone who isn’t an IOM staff member?

You should report misconduct committed by anyone working with IOM, even if they are employed by or working for other organizations. This includes:

  • IOM staff members, consultants and interns
  • IOM contractors, their employees and other personnel
  • Anyone working on IOM projects

Concerns, suspicions and/or allegations of misconduct should be reported to IOM’s Office of Internal Oversight (OIO) through the “We Are All In” reporting platform ( or by email to If the suspected offender works for another United Nations entity, IOM’s OIO can refer the case to that entity’s investigative office,

What is the database that tracks sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) and sexual harassment (SH) cases? What is Clear Check?

Clear Check is a United Nations-wide database used to screen job applicants. The database includes people whose working relationship with an organization of the UN system ended because of a determination that they perpetrated sexual harassment (SH) or sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA). It also allows for the inclusion of individuals with pending allegations who leave the UN before the completion of the investigation and/or disciplinary process. The aim of Clear Check is to prevent re-employing these people within the UN system. IOM has agreed to use this tool.

If a misconduct case at IOM requires registration in the UN Clear Check system, IOM’s Department of Human Resources Management is responsible for the registration.