Send a confidential, encrypted report of possible misconduct to the Office of Internal Oversight (OIO).

Change starts here – your report can make a difference.

Important notes before completing the form:

  • “We Are All In” is not an emergency service. Reports submitted may not receive an immediate response. For urgent safety or security issues, please contact local emergency services and/or your local staff security office.
  • For protection and/or humanitarian assistance, please note that OIO does not have the authority to deal with these requests such as support with visa applications, assistance with travel or emergency aid. For these and other similar matters, please contact your nearest IOM office. All country office contact details can be found on the IOM website.
  • Prospective or active vendors and service providers of IOM who wish to contest their non-selection for an IOM project, ask for information regarding IOM procurement processes or raise a contractual concern, are advised to address their request to IOM’s Manila Supply Chain Unit (MSCU). Further information can be found here
  • IOM personnel who want to contest an administrative decision, for example, performance evaluations or non-renewal of contract, should address their concern to the appropriate authority. For more information, IOM personnel can consult the HR Handbook. Please be advised that specific deadlines apply to contesting administrative decisions.
  • Please note that if your report clearly falls outside the scope of OIO’s mandate, you may not receive a reply from OIO.

***If you have trouble submitting your report through the form, please submit directly to the Office of Internal Oversight (OIO) through or for retaliation related matters to the Ethics and Conduct Office through***

How can we contact you?
For example: the date, time and place of the incident(s), who was involved, such as the identity and contact info of witnesses.
You can report without including your contact information, but if the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) needs extra information and cannot contact you, they may not be able to successfully investigate your report.
Where did the misconduct occur?

Examples include voice messages, videos, emails, photos, etc.

Please note that the maximum attachment size is 7MB and that anything beyond cannot be attached. If you need to send a file over 7MB, you can use "wetransfer" (or something similar) to upload your files there and insert the link in the body of your report, or explain in the body of your report if you experienced any issues to send a file, so you can receive support.