IOM personnel are expected to adopt exemplary standards of personal behaviour and the highest level of integrity.  The conduct of IOM personnel – even outside work and even if unrelated to duties – should not compromise the interests of IOM, bring it into discredit or offend the community in which they are operating. IOM personnel are expected to place the good of the Organization above personal, national or other interests.

IOM’s Core Values

All persons employed by or working for IOM worldwide are bound by IOM’s Standards of Conduct. IOM’s core values include:

  • Loyalty
  • Integrity
  • Independence
  • Impartiality
  • International outlook
  • Freedom from discrimination
  • Freedom from harassment
  • Gender equality
Examples of Situations Requiring Caution

There are many possible situations where IOM personnel should exercise caution or seek additional advice.

For example:

  • Conflicts of interest
  • Use of IOM property and assets
  • Relations with governments
  • Relations with the public
  • Contact with the media
  • Use and protection of information, including on social media
  • Respect for local cultures and customs
  • Personal conduct
  • Outside employment and activities
  • Political activities
  • Gifts, honours and remuneration from outside sources.

IOM personnel who have questions about ethics at IOM should review the IOM Standards of Conduct or contact IOM’s Office of Ethics and Conduct at

Examples of other types of misconduct at IOM that resulted in disciplinary measures
  • Staff member appeared in the media in a way that connoted a controversial political affiliation.
  • Staff member assaulted a driver while on duty in a community in which IOM operates.
  • Staff member behaved inappropriately outside of work and demonstrated a clear lack of judgment which resulted in their arrest by the local police.
  • Staff member used “Facebook” to post inappropriate comments about a politician and their family.
  • Staff member was visited in their office during working hours by an outside visitor where they engaged in intimacies which were inappropriate due to the presence of colleagues.
  • Staff member reported to duty under the influence of alcohol and engaged in an argument with an outside visitor.
  • Staff member engaged in undisclosed outside activities, offering the same services offered by the Organization.
  • Staff member had unauthorized absences from duty.
  • Staff member made untrue, inconsistent and misleading statements to the Office of Internal Oversight (OIO) during an investigation.
  • Staff member engaged in insubordination and made inappropriate contact with Government representatives.
  • Staff members failed to immediately report illegal activities of external agents at IOM premises.
  • Staff member breached national law and failed to follow instructions given prior to an official travel.
  • Staff member shared their username and password to enable another IOM staff member to authorize a wide range of financial and administrative documents which only they had the delegated authority and responsibility to approve.
  • Staff member engaged in domestic violence


IOM personnel represent the Organization during their workday as well as in their free time and must do their best to guard IOM’s integrity and reputation and avoid misconduct. IOM personnel have a duty to report misconduct. IOM personnel reporting in good faith have the right to be protected against retaliation (see


It can be hard to differentiate between types of misconduct. You don’t need to know the type of misconduct to be able to report. If you experience or witness any potential misconduct, wrongdoing or if you feel something is wrong, you should report it to IOM’s Office of Internal Oversight (OIO) through IOM’s misconduct reporting platform, “We Are All In” ( or by email to, even if you are unsure what type of misconduct it is.


Last updated: March 2024